
Today I was tasked with the simple assignment of writing a post to instagram. I was surprised when the post took on an entirely personal and reflective journaling structure. I’m realizing how spread thin I feel at this moment in time. School is a full time job in and of itself. When you tack on interning, working all weekend, having a dog, looking for a new apartment in a town you can’t afford, and homework… you can’t help but see and feel the wheels falling off as you desperately try to keep moving forward. The ride doesn’t stop just because you’re feeling overwhelmed.

This is when I came across a much needed life raft in my spiral downwards.

I came across some words that stopped me in my tracks! The quote said, “you’re not struggling, you’re just mid conquer”. SUCH a healthier mindset to help tackle this week with. I shifted immediately from feeling like i’m drowning to feeling like i’m working towards a goal. I’m mid conquer. I’m mid career at school, mid semester, mid way through my time here in Nashville and I plan to make this a sprint to the end. I have no idea where I’m going to get the extra needed stamina, but I’m going to conquer this chapter of my life.

I strong

I am capable

I am mid conquer.


week 9: time
